active transportation plan

Safety concerns along Highway 50 from Stateline to Spooner to be addressed

The stretch of Highway 50 from Stateline to Spooner Summit (known as the corridor) will be looked at in the near future to address numerous safety concerns from cars parked on the side to unsafe intersections.

At the last meeting of the Tahoe Transportation District Board of Directors, several residents spoke up about safety, and offered several ideas to correct the issues.

Column: Active Transportation Plan adopted for Tahoe

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, in its capacity as the Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization, on Wednesday adopted an active transportation plan that will help communities continue to improve transportation options for bicyclists and pedestrians in the Tahoe Basin.

Transportation projects that improve infrastructure for bicyclists and pedestrians also help improve air and water quality, revitalize the economy, improve public health, and enhance recreation opportunities.

TRPA releases draft active transportation plan for Tahoe

Improving transportation options for bicyclists and pedestrians is one of the most effective strategies to conserve and restore Lake Tahoe’s environment, revitalize the economy, enhance recreation opportunities, and improve public health, according to Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) officials.

Community helps shape future of walking, biking and safety in Lake Tahoe

Dozens of community members came to the South Lake Tahoe Library Tuesday night to see what is being planned as an update to the Lake Tahoe Region Bike and Pedestrian Plan and give their opinions.

Those attending were asked to look at the plans displayed on boards lining the room, and give their comments on a variety of issues from safety to connectivity.

People were actively participating, telling the project planners, Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization (TMPA) and TRPA, what they felt was most important on infrastructure and goals.

Provide input on future of Lake Tahoe bike and pedestrian paths

Event Date: 
April 14, 2015 - 5:30pm

The public has two upcoming opportunities to plan the future of Lake Tahoe bike and pedestrian paths, the first of which will be held on Tuesday, April 14 at the South Lake Tahoe Library from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

The Lake Tahoe Region Bike and Pedestrian Plan (BPP) was last updated in 2010, and because of this, the Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization (TMPO) is conducting an online survey as well as holding a meeting on both the North and South shores of Lake Tahoe.

Agencies Seek Public Input on Lake Tahoe Pedestrian Network

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, in its capacity as the Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization, is asking people to take an online survey and provide public input needed to create a connected, accessible, and safe bicycle and pedestrian network at Lake Tahoe.

The survey is being offered through June 30. It is available at and takes about 15 minutes to complete.

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