
Tahoe planning agency charts clear path for regional update

By Jeff Cowan
To streamline the review and deliberation of items crucial to the Lake Tahoe Regional Plan Update, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board on Wednesday chartered a new committee to focus on update of the Plan.
The formation of this committee comes on the heels of the annual Lake Tahoe Summit where federal and state representatives urged swift completion of the plan update.

Pilot Hero 'Sully' Sullenberger to Discuss Thunderbird Preservation; tickets now available

Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, the pilot who calmly and heroically landed his jetliner on New York’s Hudson River saving all 155 passengers and crew on board, will speak in Incline Village at a benefit for the Thunderbird Preservation Society on Saturday, Sept. 3.
The man who redefined “hero” on January 15, 2009, will discuss the importance of core values, including the preservation of vintage Americana – specifically Lake Tahoe’s historic Thunderbird Lodge and Yacht.

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