connelly beach

Is it Conelley, Connolly, Timber Cove or Beach at Beach Retreat?

The number to remember: 6229.1

This has been determined to be the high water mark of Lake Tahoe, and the owner of the Beach Retreat at Tahoe must allow 100-feet of beach from this mark for public use.

Connelly Beach, Leadership Lake Tahoe and Bike Park on Council agenda

Event Date: 
May 19, 2015 (All day)

Public access to Connelly Beach in South Lake Tahoe is on the City Council agenda for Tuesday, May 19.

City Council News: Lot sells for $1.1M; Raises given; Connolly and Regan Beach updates

The City Council Tuesday formalized the offer on the SW corner lot on Ski Run Blvd and Highway 50. The lot, along with 12,000 square feet of commercial floor area (CFA), was sold for $1.1 million to Halferty Development Company.

Long time local fights for public access at Connelly Beach

Janet McDougall used the public comment portion of a recent South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting to speak of her concern that people would lose access to Connelly Beach. Council members took interest and the subject is on Tuesday's Council agenda.

McDougall, a resident of South Lake Tahoe since 1963 and a graduate of South Tahoe High in 1975, spent 17 years working in the city attorney's office in town. She said that during that time she saw a growing amount of beaches becoming unavailable to the public.

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