Full Text of President Obama's State of the Union address; GOP response

The following is the complete text of President Obama's State of the Union address as written.
Remarks of President Barack Obama - As Prepared for Delivery
State of the Union Address
"An America Built to Last"
Tuesday, January 24th, 2012
Washington, DC

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans:

Legislature stops GOP override of state parks bill

SACRAMENTO (AP) - Republican lawmakers on Thursday failed to override Gov. Jerry Brown's veto of a bill that would have allowed local governments to take over the operations of state parks forced t...

MICHELLE MALKIN: Romney and McCain: the GOP Frenemies Club

Michael Corleone said to "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." But what, pray tell, do we do with our frenemies? This is the awful election-year quandary of movement conservatives....

MICHELLE MALKIN: Romney and McCain: the GOP Frenemies Club

Michael Corleone said to "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." But what, pray tell, do we do with our frenemies? This is the awful election-year quandary of movement conservatives....

SAUNDERS: And my endorsement goes to ...

Mitt Romney may be the best candidate in the 2012 GOP primary, but that's not saying much. It's like being the best mayor of Oakland, Calif. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota may not be ready for ...

Nevada GOP opposes high court redistricting position

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Attorneys for the Nevada Republican Party filed a brief on Monday with the Nevada Supreme Court opposing Secretary of State Ross Miller’s emergency petition seeking to intervene on the question of the authority of the courts to decide the state’s political boundaries instead of the Legislature.

GOP candidates threaten to skip Nevada caucus

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - Several Republican presidential hopefuls are trying to push Nevada into pulling back on its mid-January caucus date, siding with New Hampshire in its showdown with other states...

Q&A with political comedian Will Durst

Q Where are you today?A Right now I'm in Guerneville, which is like cross between Billings and Berkeley.Q What do you think about Rick Perry entering the GOP race? A Rick Perry is for those who ...

SAUNDERS: Corn, scorn and forlorn in Iowa

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is the first casualty of the Ames, Iowa, straw poll. After he came in third - behind firebrand Reps. Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul - he pulled out of the 2012 GOP...

GOP challenges redistricting plans as maps pass

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - California's independent redistricting commission certified the state's new legislative and congressional maps Monday, but the political boundaries drew an immediate chall...

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