ty dayberry

Two upcoming movie premiers to raise funds for Sierra Avalanche Center

LAKE TAHOE, Calif./Nev. - Have some winter fun and help kick off the ski season with a trilogy of movie premiers dubbed "Lord of the Boards." The Lake Tahoe premier of the feature movie, Blank Collective's film Before Blank, is headed to both north and south ends of the lake courtesy of Local Freshies® with a portion of proceeds going to the Sierra Avalanche Center (SAC).

South Lake Tahoe company producing big air jump for SnowGlobe

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. – Over a dozen local, regional and pro skiers and snowboarders will take part in SnowGlobe Big Air, a jump at the scene of the three-day musical festival in South Lake Tahoe.

On Course Events has partnered with SnowGlobe to build the jump which is Lake Tahoe's largest man-made feature. Athletes will drop out of the darkness on a scaffolding tower, coming down and hitting a jump launching over 30 feet above the

Fundraiser at Flight Deck to benefit Sierra Avalanche Center

Event Date: 
December 1, 2017 - 6:00pm

Flight Deck Sports Bar and Grill at the Lake Tahoe Airport is holding a Sierra Avalanche Center (SAC) fundraiser on Friday, December 1 starting at 6:00 p.m. There will be music by Cash Only Band's Davin & Dallas, raffle prizes, and the showing of a movie and short films, all for $10.

"Boondockers Fourteen," a snowmobile movie, will be shown along with short films by local Ty Dayberry and Bird Flu Crew, and a snowmobile avalanche awareness movie, "Knowledge is Power."

There will be food and drink specials all night long as well.

Mountain Resort Television daily segment

In this segment, reporter Austyn Harrington catches up with local Free-Heel skier, Ty Dayberry.

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