Letter: 56-acre project recreation area - planning or abuse?

I have always been very interested in the 56-acre project and saw the latest post about the land swap, etc. I want to STRONGLY object to any idea of putting City and/or County facilities in the 56-acre project area. To do so, would severely compromise the nature of the project for recreation and senior services. Parking would be problematic in this area — the ONE area that the people of South Lake Tahoe have dedicated to their enjoyment and functions. The fact that using the new facility to rent out for events, will already take lots of additional parking. Add to that, City & County staff parking, PD, etc - it would totally mar the purpose of this project intended for residents and visitors!

The current location of the SLTPD, County Courthouse, etc., on Johnson Avenue, is the perfect place to situate City & County facilities. There is additional land there that could be re-configured to accommodate additional buildings and parking. It is also near the college and the City parks (Bijou Park & City fields at LTCC). Please do not smother the 56-acre project area, which is so important to all taxpaying stakeholders, with the unwelcome partnering of offices, noise, parking issues, and misuse of this valuable land which should serve the public recreation services.

Thank you,

Judi Allen