Letter: Yes on Measure B for Lake Valley Fire Protection District

Dear El Dorado County voters,
A little over a year ago, I was asked to serve on the Lake Valley Fire Protection District’s Feasibility Committee for Measure B. I represented you—the homeowner, citizen, and taxpayer. I would like to share a little about what I learned about the Lake Valley Fire Protection District and about Measure B.

Most importantly, I learned that our Lake Valley Fire Protection District is in dire need of our help in order to maintain their current excellent and top-notch level of service, and to sustain a healthy future.

Our District has air tanks for breathing in hazardous situations which are necessary during structure and vehicle fires, but they are expiring and can no longer be used. They have aging masks used with the air tanks that have failed, most recently a mask failed for a firefighter on the tragic fuel tanker fire. I am sure that you agree-this is unacceptable! We need to take action to help our firefighters, who deserve to have safe and up-to-date equipment for their safety and for our safety.

Lake Valley Fire Protection District has been doing everything in their power to obtain funds by applying every year for grants to cover the replacement of the air tanks, etc., but they have not been successful and have received no grants. Lake Valley is running a fire district in 2020 on a 1986 budget, and they cannot continue without our help.

Our firefighter/paramedics work 365 days a year, 24-hours a day to serve and protect our community. Over three-fourths of those firefighters live in our district, are homeowners, and pay taxes just like we do. If you are injured or you or a family member has a medical emergency or a house fire, who do you want to see? You want to see that big red fire truck pull up in front of your house and have these amazing firefighter/paramedics save your life.

Please join me and vote “Yes” on Measure B — it will be just $4.33 per month per household. If you have questions or want more information before you vote, go to the Lake Valley Fire Protection District web site www.lakevalleyfire.org or www.facebook.com/measureB.

Thank you.
Donarae Reynolds
Homeowner, and Member of the Measure B Committee
Golden Bear Neighborhood Team Member
(530) 304-3262; Donarae.Reynolds@gmail.com