4k for cancer

Ulman 4k For Cancer riders stop by South Lake Tahoe

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Twenty-eight cyclists left with a tire touch in the water at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on June 2 and will be finishing 4,500 miles later with another tire touch in the Pacific Ocean from Crissy Beach in San Francisco on August 10.

Cyclists riding from the Atlantic to the Pacific stop off in SLT

What did you do for your summer vacation? Many students will hear that when they return to schools this fall but no group will probably have quite the story to tell as will a group of 30 college age students who were in South Lake Tahoe Thursday and Friday.

4k For Cancer rides through South Lake Tahoe

The common question "what did you do this summer" is asked through schools as they reconvene in a few weeks. The group of 26 cyclists in South Lake Tahoe this weekend will be able to top most answers with "I rode across the US on my bike."

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