carson city airport

Did you see it? Object flies across sky, observed from San Diego to Carson City

A mysterious light that streaked across the night sky Saturday, visible as far away as Nevada and Arizona, was a Trident missile test-fired by the Navy, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

KOLO reports it has spoken with the Orange County Sheriff's Office and they said the light in the sky was confirmed through the John Wayne Airport tower to be a Naval test fire off the coast. No further details.


Rare B-17 Flying Fortress to arrive Sept. 22 at Carson City Airport for flights, tours

Event Date: 
September 22, 2015 (All day)

For America's young men 70 years ago, their thoughts weren't on college and careers. They were focused on survival and a battle bigger than any of them individually during World War II.

For some that meant a foxhole in Europe, Africa or some Pacific island, or perhaps aboard a battleship with eyes focused for enemy submarines. For thousands of young men, most barely out of high school themselves, it meant long days airborne in a freezing aluminum tube, hoping that it wasn't their day to be unlucky.

Pilot, two passengers escape injury after plane crashes near Spooner; FAA team arrives at crash site

A pilot and two passengers escaped injury Wednesday after a plane crash northeast of Spooner in the Kings Canyon area, Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong confirmed.

The passengers of the aircraft were taken by Carson City Fire and Rescue to the staging area at the Kings Canyon Trailhead where they signed statements with the Carson City Sheriff's Office. Both declined comment. An official at the scene said the three had taken a flight to celebrate the birthday of a 23-year-old female passenger and that both passengers were shaken and didn't wish to speak. It is believed but not confirmed the flight originated from Lake Tahoe.

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