champion floors

Kudos: Tahoe Warm Room thanks Champion Floors to Go

Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless (TCH) would like to thank Champion Floors to Go for their donation of carpet and floor runners to the South Lake Tahoe Warm Room. This donation helps keep our guests cozy and comfortable in our facility this winter. With recent extreme weather patterns in Tahoe, we are proud to offer overnight refuge from the elements to men and women who are experiencing homelessness.

October completion date expected for upgraded Lake Tahoe Airport lobby

Several local contractors are working on the renovation of the Lake Tahoe Airport lobby, one that is costing the City $627,371,

Improvements include mechanical and ADA improvements on the interior of the 57-year-old building. The last time the air and heating were upgraded was 40 years ago.

Kudos: South Tahoe Sober Grad night thanks supporters

The South Tahoe High Sober Grad Night Task Force would like to thank the following businesses and individuals who helped make our annual event for the graduating seniors such a success! The kids loved the evening and it couldn't have been made possible if you weren't a part of it.

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