
Sirota: Two 2016 prospects spotlight Democrat Party's identity crisis

Despite its success in recent elections, and despite the image of unity it projects, the Democratic Party is in the throes of an epic identity crisis pitting its corporate money against its stated ...

Sen. Harry Reid addresses 2013 Nevada Legislature (full text)

Nevada son and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid addressed a joint session of the Nevada State Legislature today in Carson City. Here is the text of his speech:

Nevada bill would ban pedestrians texting while crossing roads

A bill before the Nevada Assembly would make it illegal for pedestrians to read, browse the internet or enter data with hand-held devices while crossing highways in the state.Democratic Las Vegas A...

2013 Legislature: Nevada Assembly Democrats oust Steven Brooks from caucus

The Assembly Democratic caucus late Wednesday issued a statement saying North Las Vegas Assemblyman Steven Brooks is no longer a member of the caucus.That effectively leaves Brooks on his own in th...

Lawmakers sense opportunity for Calif. gun control

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Democratic state lawmakers are sensing an opportunity to pass stricter gun and ammunition laws in California after New York approved the toughest gun-control law in the na...

Asian nations giving enthusiastic welcome to 2013

LONDON - Sydney's skyline erupted with tons of exploding fireworks in the first major celebration of 2013, extravagant displays lit up Hong Kong and Beijing, and increasingly democratic Myanmar joi...

Democratic officials: Fiscal 'cliff' deal reached

WASHINGTON - Racing the clock, the White House sealed a New Year's Eve accord with Senate Republicans late Monday to neutralize across-the-board tax increases and spending cuts in government progra...

Success for Calif. Tax Measures May Not Be New Trend

California voters had rejected every statewide tax measure since 2004 until they approved two of them last week. They also said yes to 70 percent of the local tax and bond measures on last week’s ballot. But this may not be the start of a new trend.
The passage of Propositions 30 and 39 snapped a seven-measure winning streak for the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. But President Jon Coupal says that doesn't mean the attitudes of California voters are changing when it comes to taxes.

Heller holds on to Senate seat

LAS VEGAS - Republican Sen. Dean Heller is headed back to the U.S. Senate for a six-year term of his own, after fending off seven-term Democratic U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley in a bitterly fought camp...

Democrats keep slim majority in Nevada Senate

The Nevada state Senate will remain in Democratic control following Tuesday's election after three Republican candidates won victories in five closely contested races, one short of the number neede...

More than $350 Million Raised For and Against Ballot Measures

Political contributions for and against California’s 11 ballot measures have totaled more than $350 million. Much of the money is coming from wealthy individuals and outside organizations.
The campaign finance watchdog found one family responsible for almost a quarter of the contributions to California's ballot measures.
"What's surprising is that a few individuals or wealthy organizations can control the political debate," said Daniel "G" Newman of the website.

Heller, Berkley spar on health care, immigration

LAS VEGAS - Republican Sen. Dean Heller and Democratic challenger Rep. Shelley Berkley quarreled over health care, immigration and tax breaks for oil companies in the second debate of their acri...

Berkley In Attack Mode, Heller Takes More Restrained Approach In Second Senate Debate

CARSON CITY – Democratic Rep. Shelley Berkley used a second Senate debate tonight to attack Sen. Dean Heller on issues ranging from Medicare to online poker legislation, while her Republican opponent took a more restrained approach in the hour-long discussion on public television.

Calif. governor to sign bill to OK driverless cars

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) - Gov. Jerry Brown plans to sign legislation that will pave the way for driverless cars in California.The bill by Democratic Sen. Alex Padilla, of Los Angeles, would esta...

Nevada Jobless Rate Ticks Up To 12.1 Percent In August

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s unemployment rate ticked up one-tenth of a percentage point to 12.1 percent in August from July, the second month of increases in the jobless rate after hitting a three-year low in May, a state agency reported today.

Sirota: Drug dealers protecting their turf

If you heard a drug dealer denigrate his competitor's product as unsafe, would you trust his criticism? Or would you think he's a hypocrite with ulterior motives? Last week, thanks to Democratic Go...

Democrats Continue To Outpace Republicans In Nevada Voter Registration

CARSON CITY — Democrats continue to out-register their Republican counterparts, with the latest data from Clark County now showing a more than 100,000 voter advantage as the deadline to participate in the Nov. 6 general election draws ever closer.
Today just before noon the Clark County website, which updates registration totals regularly, showed 346,703 Democrats registered to vote compared to 246,479 for Republicans, a 100,224 advantage.

Calif. tax collector criticized for opposing fee

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - One of California's top elected tax collectors is facing criticism for his high-profile campaign to block a controversial fee that Democratic leaders say he and the state ...

Obama ready to sketch path forward for nation

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - President Barack Obama goes before the Democratic National Convention and the nation on Thursday for a capstone speech designed not just to persuade undecided voters to swing his ...

Saunders: Democrats won't admit their side lies

"They lie, and they don't care if people think they lie," California Democratic Party Chairman John Burton told reporter Joe Garofoli before a state delegation breakfast Monday. Burton even brought...

Saunders: Bill Clinton's new best friends

It doesn't matter who wins in November; Bill Clinton will end this year on top. The former president will introduce Barack Obama on the penultimate night of the Democratic National Convention in Ch...

Sirota: Obscuring a debate over butlers

For all the superheated rhetoric of yet another election cycle, it's as clear as ever that the Republican and Democratic parties in Washington pretty much support the same economic policies. Indeed...

Saunders: California high-speed rail: unsafe at any speed

Democratic California state Sen. Joe Simitian probably is best-known as the author of California's bill to ban the use of hand-held cellphones while driving. After Friday's vote, Simitian may be be...

NV bill would license medical pot farms

CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) - A former chairman of Nevada's Democratic Party wants to license farms where marijuana can be grown legally and certify pot dispensaries for the first time for the thousands...

New California budget crafted to influence voters

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Gov. Jerry Brown and Democratic lawmakers have long warned of dire consequences if California voters reject a proposed tax hike on the November ballot. In adopting a $91.3...

Harry Reid's shadow looms over Nevada Senate race

LAS VEGAS (AP) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid isn't on the ballot this year, but he's very much in the game.With Republicans clamoring to take away his majority, Reid is helping Democratic Sen...

Democrats talk budget ahead of Friday deadline

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Democratic legislative leaders met Monday with Gov. Jerry Brown as they chased a deadline this week to approve a budget that addresses California's nearly $16 billion defi...

Nevada's Washoe County Critical in 2012 Presidential Contest

CARSON CITY — Washoe County Republican and Democratic Party leaders may disagree on who the best choice is for president, but they agree on one point — Washoe is the “battleground” county in the battleground state that is Nevada.
Clark County is expected to go big for Democrats and President Obama, while Nevada’s rural counties are expected to go strong for Mitt Romney. But Washoe County, where Republicans lead in voter registration by 3,700, has gone for both parties in past elections.

Memorial Saturday for legendary broadcaster, hellraiser and satirist Travus T. Hipp

Services for legendary radio commentator Travus T. Hipp will be held this Saturday, May 26, in Silver City. Hipp died early Friday morning, May 18, at his Silver City home. He was 75, as old as the Golden Gate Bridge in his beloved San Francisco.

A memorial service will be held Saturday, May 26, in Silver City. Gathering, gnoshing and remembering will begin at the Silver City Community Center, 385 High Street, at 10:00 a.m. Food and refreshments will be provided. Those who wish may bring more.

Letter to the Editor: Republicans have gone further to the right

I disagree with Debra Saunders' column, in which she claims President Barack Obama has moved the Democratic party to the far left when, in fact, it is the Republicans who have become more extreme.A...

Democrats set movie night at annual dinner

Douglas County Democratic Central Committee's annual Keep Nevada Blue Dinner, "Sweet Repeats in 2012," features Movie Night with President Obama, Celebrating the Unions of America.The event is set ...

Douglas Democrates meeting rescheduled

Douglas County Democratic Central Committee will serve free pizza and refreshments during its rescheduled meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday at the committee's headquarters, 1513 Highway 395, Gardnerv...

Douglas Democrats dinner planning at next meeting

The Douglas County Democratic Central Committee will discuss the annual Keep Nevada Blue Dinner at its meeting Feb. 23 at the Democratic Headquarters, 513 Highway 395 N. Suite 1C, Gardnerville.A so...

Brown names longtime adviser to Hoover Commission

Gov. Jerry Brown has appointed a longtime friend and campaign adviser to an unpaid post on a state watchdog commission.The Democratic governor on Thursday named 67-year-old Tom Quinn to the Little ...

Full Text of President Obama's State of the Union address; GOP response

The following is the complete text of President Obama's State of the Union address as written.
Remarks of President Barack Obama - As Prepared for Delivery
State of the Union Address
"An America Built to Last"
Tuesday, January 24th, 2012
Washington, DC

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans:

Democrats Caucus In Nevada To Support President Obama For A Second Term

CARSON CITY — Nearly 250 capital city Democrats took time out today to participate in the party caucus, supporting President Barack Obama in a process that held no surprises for the party faithful.
The caucus at the Carson City Middle School was one of 118 held around Nevada today as the state Democrat Party gears up for the 2012 election.
Unlike 2008, when the Democrat nominee was still undecided at the time of the caucus, the nonbinding ballot had two options: the president or uncommitted. Obama was getting strong support among participants.

Amodei Says He Rejects Congressional Earmarks

CARSON CITY — Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., said today he opposes the earmark process used to fund various projects around the country, advocating instead that state priorities for federal support go through a regular budget review.
“The problem with earmarks, when you look at them, it’s symbolic largely, because it’s not that it’s a huge part of the federal budget,” he said. “But a lot of them appear at the end with absolutely no hearings and they are in bills.

SAUNDERS: Newt Gingrich and his box of matches

As a Republican congressman, Newt Gingrich filed ethics charges that led Democratic House Speaker Jim Wright to resign in 1989. Later, the House elected Gingrich speaker. Then, in 1998, Gingrich re...

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