State of the art facility

Opinon: Children are our future and we need to make policy decisions that will benefit them.

Every new parent in Tahoe knows that finding quality childcare is a struggle. Facilities have long waiting lists; and only a few can offer State subsidies to low-income families.

According to Choices for Children a healthy childcare vacancy rate is 15%. That gives parents choice in where to put their child based on location, costs or personal preferences. Here in Tahoe our vacancy rate is just 5% and as our population continues to grow that percentage is likely to decrease further.

Old KGID treatment plant and trailers removed for new luxury Lake Tahoe project

What was once home to 155 mobile homes and the KGID water treatment plant took one big step towards being a luxury condominium project on Wednesday when developers tore down the plant.

The mobile homes are all gone, with the remaining few given 90 day notices in January to vacate the property.

New home for 6th graders at South Tahoe Middle School

A ribbon cutting ceremony was conducted on August 24, 2012 to commence the Grand Opening of the new 6th Grade wing at STMS. Dr. James Tarwater and the South Tahoe Unified School Board proudly unveiled the long awaited building in need.
Incoming 6th graders for the 2012 school year will be the first to utilize this state of the art facility.

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