Letter: We can't raise taxes or increase minimum wage

Dear Fellow Citizens, What have we done? We have elected a City Council whose majority is discussing several tax increases. Those onerous taxes, added to these already tough times, will further sink our local economy, and drive more local businesses and families out of town. An initiative sponsored by one councilperson is now proposing a "vacancy tax" levied on homes not occupied year-round. These homeowners live out of town and include those paying their mortgages for 30 years to perhaps retire here one day, and in the meantime vacation here summers and winters. Are they about to be punished because their homes aren't occupied 365 days a year? Imagine you owning property elsewhere. You can't rent to Airbnb and you can't let it sit empty part of the year. You can't win. You're taxed both ways!

It's a punishment tax!! This is unfairness and insanity on steroids. I'm not going to sign that petition because the council member is pouncing on the defenseless. These homeowners aren't even allowed to vote here. This is un-American and tantamount to stealing!

In thinking about it, how will they enforce it? How many more City Staff will be paid by our tax dollars to drive around and trespass on our properties to see who is inside each home? It's none of their business!

As if this is not bad enough, the Council is trying to see if we voters will let them levy more taxes on us to push us into the black hole of government through Lodging TOT (Transient Occupancy Tax) again.

Then to add insult to injury, also being considered is another rise in the minimum wage arbitrarily on our already struggling businesses. Both of those two taxes will deal a further death blow to our economy, especially lodging and restaurants.

I run two nice lodging properties here, and we have long-term loyal employees who have been with us for 20 and 30 years, and who we love as family! When you raise the minimum wage, you must raise everyone up to meet where they are after years of loyalty. Who can afford that right now? The bottom is beginning to meet the top; over-taxation is killing us all.

Does Councilmember Scott Robbins care how many businesses go under from fewer tourists right now, and then add minimum wage and TOT Taxes on top of it all?

The City doesn't get money if we don't get money, and it's just so unfair to keep taxing us when tourism is at a low point and we aren't making the money to be able to give to the City. We don't have it!

The ugly truth is we have not sold out in over 18 months from low tourism, not even New Year's nor July 4th, which is a first in the over 45 years we've owned our properties. We currently are experiencing 2019 income from low tourism with 2024 expenses! I know other businesses and families are experiencing this same thing; just look at how many businesses are biting the dust up here, and how many families are being pushed out of Tahoe to the Valley and elsewhere.

Their war on tourism must end! We, the voters of South Lake Tahoe, need to take back our town from the tax-drooling politicians before it's too late. Their timing couldn't be worse!!!

No on the Vacancy Tax, No on the TOT Tax, and No on the Minimum Wage hike!

Respectfully submitted,
Jan McCarthy
Stardust Lodge
Americana Village

Editor's note: Any new taxes must be approved by the voters. It has not been determined yet if the increase(s) will make it onto the next ballot.