Bobcat hanging out at Lake Tahoe Community College

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Susan Baker and Sara Pierce were walking outside of Lake Tahoe Community College on Monday, January 30 when they came across the bobcat pictured above.

Sightings of the beautiful creatures have been occurring throughout the South Shore this winter. In one photo above, Don Flint saw one in a yard off of Pioneer Trail.

Bobcats used to rarely be seen around the Lake Tahoe Basin, or perhaps it was being more elusive and not allowing themselves to be seen, but they are making their presence known this winter.

They always elicit excitement when spotted.

According to the Tahoe Institute of Natural Science, the bobcat is the smaller of Tahoe’s cats (Lynx rufus). While they can be found throughout much of the Lake Tahoe Basin, they are mostly nocturnal and extremely shy, so not always spotted during the day.