Nevada's longest serving senator Bill Raggio Dies at 85

Nevada's longest serving senator, retired senator Bill Raggio has died. He was 85. Raggio died at 10 p.m. Thursday night while vacationing in Sydney, Australia. The cause was reported as death due to respritory illness. The death was first reported by Face-to-Face host Jon Ralston.
Senator Raggio served more than 50 years in elected office in Nevada. He retired from the Nevada state legislature before the 2011 legislative session last year. Raggio was known for brokering compromise and working across party lines. He was first elected to office in the 1950's when he became Washoe County's district attorney.
U.S. Senator Dean Heller, R-Nevada, issued the following statement regarding the death of Raggio.

"I am deeply saddened by the death of Bill Raggio. There are no words to describe his dedication to the state of Nevada and I wish to express my deepest condolences and prayers for his wife Dale, and his family. Bill was a true statesman who dedicated his life to making Nevada a better place to live. His legacy will be remembered for generations to come,” said Senator Dean Heller.
Congressman Mark Amodei today issued the following statement on the passing of Raggio:
"This is the end of an era in Nevada. Bill was an icon of legislative public service and it was a privilege to serve with him in the state senate. My condolences go out to his wife Dale and his two daughters."
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