Tahoe Prospertiy Center awarded for collaborative efforts

The Tahoe Prosperity Center received an award on Thursday, March 31, 2016 from the Placer County Economic Development Board for “Best Collaboration to Encourage a Prosperous, Sustainable and Healthy Lake Tahoe Basin.”

Certificates of recognition were also presented to the Tahoe Prosperity Center from Assemblywoman Beth Gaines, Senators Ted Gaines and Jim Nelson, and Congressma=en Tom McClintock and Douglas LaMalfa.

At the event to receive the award was Heidi Hill Drum, Executive Director of the Tahoe Prosperity Center. She thanked Placer County for recognizing Tahoe Prosperity Center and their efforts in uniting Tahoe’s communities to strengthen regional prosperity.

“We appreciate the recognition and partnership of Placer County in forwarding the mission of the Tahoe Prosperity Center," said TPC Board Chair Ken Riley, Kiewit Infrastructure Group (retired). "It’s collaborations like this that are at the heart of all of our projects."

The Tahoe Prosperity Center is an innovative nonprofit collaborative created to champion the prosperity initiatives identified in the 2010 Lake Tahoe Basin Prosperity Plan. The board is comprised of community leaders from businesses, government, education and nonprofit organizations encompassing the entire Tahoe Basin. TPC work revolves around creating opportunities for vibrant communities, thriving businesses, diverse careers and higher wages.

Current projects including expanding high-speed Internet and cell phone coverage (Connected Tahoe), preventing natural disasters (AlertTahoe fire camera system), encouraging environmental redevelopment of blighted properties (Community Revitalization), tracking economic progress (Measuring for Prosperity) and improving quality jobs for residents (Workforce Tahoe).

In the photo: Tahoe Prosperity Center Board member and Placer County Deputy CEO Jennifer Merchant, Executive Director Heidi Hill Drum, Board member and North Lake Tahoe Resort Association/CVB/Chamber CEO Sandy Evans Hall and Placer County Supervisor Jennifer Montgomery