South Lake Tahoe wants more options, independent economic study in Loop Road proposal

The South Lake Tahoe Council voted to send a letter to the Tahoe Transportation District stating that the city does not agree with the present configuration of the South Shore Community Revitalization Project and wants more alternatives to consider.
In the 3-2 decision, The council said the city won't use eminent domain to acquire property, that it will send copies of all comments and communications made to the City pro or con to the TTD with the expectation that those communications and comments be addressed. The decision also asks the council to have a formal public process on road options, the council deciding which one it would approve. The decision also calls for an independent economic analysis done by an impartial party on different alternatives presented.
The vote was 3 to 2 in favor of the motion. Council members Tom Davis, Hal Cole and Bruce Grego voted for the motion. Mayor Claire Fortier and councilwoman Angela Swanson voted against it.