First Meeting for County Charter Review Committee Since Release of Grand Jury Report

Event Date: 
June 25, 2014 - 5:00pm

The El Dorado County Charter was at the center of the Grand Jury's released end of year report last week. Their findings will be discussed at the County Charter Review Committee meeting on Thursday evening in Placerville.

The committee consists of five members, one from each of the County's Supervisor districts. Kris Payne, Committee Chair is from District 3, Vice-Chair Rachel Michelin from District 1, District 2 representative Jim Hill, Terry Gheradi from District 4, and representing South Lake Tahoe and Pollock Pines, Cathy Staller.

They are tasked with reviewing the charter and looking into the Grand Jury's report. The California Constitution requires an elected Sheriff, District Attorney and Assessor, but El Dorado County also has an elected Auditor/Controller, Recorder/Clerk, Surveyor and Treasurer/Tax Collector.

Open to the public, the 5 p.m. meeting will be held in Conference Room A at the County offices at 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA.