Tahoe Project interview with Chuck Scharer, Edgewood Companies

The latest podcast interview from Tahoe Project's Michelle Sweeney is with Chuck Scharer, Edgewood Companies chief executive officer.
Edgewood is widely known as the host of the American Century Golf Championship at Lake Tahoe which is taking place this week. Edgewood Companies is owned by the Park Family, which has owned and managed land in the Douglas County and Tahoe Basin region for over one hundred and fifty years. In this interview Scharer talks about Tahoe as a marketplace in transition and gives insight into how Edgewood Companies is in a unique position to deliver the lake and recreation opportunity to customers. “This marketplace needs to evolve into that recreation marketplace that we can be and that we should be, “ says Scharer. “We need to focus on our natural resources."
Go here for part 1 of the interview and here for part 2.