From the Rabbi’s desk as we evacuate the city we love

It’s easy to panic.

It’s easy to lose hope.

But we will not.

We need to evacuate South Lake Tahoe. The haze and smell of smoke are constant reminders of the wildfires raging miles away and the peril that now faces our city.

But panic is not what we want.

We all must take strength from our beautiful community. As Jews we draw inspiration from our forefathers and their trust in G-d — despite what it may superficially seem.

On Rosh Hashanah, which begins next week on the evening of September 6th, we read the story of the Binding of Isaac. It was the last of our forefather Abraham’s ten tests, among the first of which was leaving his hometown and everything he knew in order to fulfill the mission G-d gave him. Every one of these tests were difficult, each one harder than the next, but ultimately, he prevailed over them with his faith in the G-d — whom he was the first to believe in — intact.

My friends, we’re facing a difficult, difficult test. Many of us have evacuated our homes. The news is filled with messages of despair. G-d is testing our community as perhaps we have never been tested before. But our community is showing what it’s made of. We have come together to support each other like never before. And like our forefather Abraham, we will prevail.

The evacuation is mandatory. But despair certainly is not.

We will return to South Lake Tahoe. We will strengthen the bonds of community — bonds which have shown their value in recent days time and again, as so many community members — those who live here year round, and those who have homes and deep ties in our city — have reached out with offers to assist those in need.

As we take an unplanned leave of absence from our town, I promise this: we will continue to be there for every member of the Lake Tahoe Jewish community, and with G-d’s help, we will be back very soon.

We won’t let our plans for Rosh Hashanah, just a few short days away- be derailed. With this uplifting and spiritually rejuvenating time fast approaching, we will continue to be here for our community and to offer our assistance in any way we can, including sending out holiday care packages to all those affected by the fires.

To those who have asked what they can do to help, I ask that you continue to check in on your neighbors and friends; see if they could use a helping hand, a place to stay or just a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. Even a simple phone call or visit — simple gestures of care — can uplift one’s spirits in these moments.

Because we’re all in this together, and we will never lose hope.

Chabad at Lake Tahoe is offering aid and care packages to those affected by the wildfires.

To donate to the Relief Fund, visit To reach out to Chabad at Lake Tahoe for care packages and other assistance, visit

Rabbi Mordey Richler
Chabad at Lake Tahoe