Letter: South Lake Tahoe American Legion responds to other group's political endorsements

American Legion Post 795 (South Lake Tahoe) is extremely disappointed that Dan Browne of the Lake Tahoe Veteran’s Alliance made the decision to endorse certain candidates for the upcoming November 8 election.

Mr. Browne should be well aware that his action is in violation of IRS code for qualified 501(c)(3) (non-profit) organizations - they may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates.

In addition, the fact that the name ‘Lake Tahoe Veteran’s Alliance’ could possibly cause some people to think that the organization might – in some way – be associated with the American Legion, or any other veteran’s organization in the county is unfortunate. This could not be further from the truth.

Mr. Browne is not a member of nor is associated with American Legion Post 795. Our post follows the National Constitution, Section 21706 (Political Activities) which states,

“The corporation shall be nonpolitical and may not promote the candidacy of an individual seeking public office.”

We, as the members of American Legion Post 795, urge ALL citizens to use their right to vote for the candidates of their choice. Please remember, our Post is here to assist veterans of all ages in the South Lake Tahoe area.

- Tom Millham, Commander
American Legion Post 795