The "new" local economy is focus of next Tahoe Talks

Event Date: 
November 9, 2016 - 12:00pm

As the South Shore moves from an economy focused on casinos and gambling to one focused on recreation, new ideas are emerging on how to succeed and live in the area.

A panel of successful entrepreneurs will be on hand during the next Tahoe Talks, a monthly feature offered by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) and their transportation arm, Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization (TMPO).

Even with recreation always being a part of Lake Tahoe, cottage industries, small scale manufacturing, co-working, and maker spaces are among the new ideas driving the future of the region's economy.

Future economic success will come from a variety of sources across industries.

The panel of David Orr, Tahoe Mountain Lab; Chris McNamara, Outdoor Gear Lab; and
Rachel Arst McCullough, Tahoe Silicon Mountain will share their exploration of new avenues and how they are bringing new ideas to Lake Tahoe.

The Tahoe Talks will take place on Wednesday, November 9 from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Creekside Room at Lake Tahoe Community College. Bring your lunch and join in the conversation.