Cardinale Way's free Thanksgiving dinners enjoyed by the community

Cardinale Way employees and family members prepared 400 Thanksgiving dinners for South Lake Tahoe area people in need of a meal on this holiday. They were up early, cooking turkeys and preparing meals to be handed out at the American Legion.

A tent was set up in the parking lot and a few hundred came by for a full meal. Smiles were plentiful, both from the hungry and from those who were able to help out.

Cardinale Way General Manager Joe Caracciolo planned the event as a way to give back and he said he's looking forward to the next opportunity to do so.

KRLT Radio was on hand with a live broadcast and a Tahoe Douglas Rotarian, their family member and exchange student joined the Cardinale employees in making the day a bit brighter for those that needed a bit of sunshine.

One elderly woman, near tears, spent some time talking to Caracciolo and Paul Middlebrook of KRLT after receiving a couple of meals before walking back to where she lived. She told them she wouldn't have had a Thanksgiving without their generosity.