City Council Tuesday: Votes on cannabis ordinance updates, garbage college fee increase, new mayor

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The next South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 12 at 5:30 p.m.

The first order of business will be to select the 2024 mayor and mayor pro tem from the current council members. Cody Bass is the current mayor pro tem.

Staff from El Dorado County Public Health will make a presentation on current tobacco prevention efforts in El Dorado County and statewide. Topics will include local tobacco retail license requirements and local enforcement including prevention of retail sales of tobacco products to youth, zoning to limit density and number of tobacco retailers, and waste management regulations such as prohibiting single-use electronic smoking devices (vape pens). Last week they made the same presentation to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors.

South Tahoe Refuse (STR) is asking for a rate increase of 11.05 percent for 2024. The council will hold a hearing for the increase to start January 1 which adds $4.11 per month for residential customers and $4.70 per cubic yard for commercial customers. In 2017, there was a 1.62 percent rate increase, 8.81 percent in 2018, 3.11 percent in 2019, 2.93 percent in 2020, 9.04 percent in 2021, 3.77 percent in 2022, and last year, there was a 4.96 percent increase. To meet the requirements of the Mandatory Commercial Organic Recycling Act and Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Bill, STR will need to add a new three-cart trash can system, with new trucks for collection. They are asking for a rate increase to meet the costs of those requirements.

There will also be a continuation of the last council meeting agenda item on amendments to Cannabis Ordinance, Public Safety License Ordinance, and Clean Indoor Air Ordinance. They will vote on the addition of on-site consumption, and medicinal delivery, and to remove the development agreement provisions that are now outdated.

City Council will receive the annual update to the City's Climate Action Plan and Greenhouse Gas Inventory.

The annual assignments of council members to commissions and boards will also take place on Tuesday.

The meeting will be held in council chambers at the airport and can be viewed online. for instructions on participation and the agenda, visit