9 Year Old Hailed a Hero After Lake Tahoe Area Snowmobile Accident

Nine year old Bode Bierdneau of Marin County is credited with saving his father after a snowmobile accident near Blue Lakes in Alpine County on Sunday.

The two were each riding their own snowmobiles when Bode's father, John Taylor (JT), lost control and crashed into a tree and was partially ejected. He was partially trapped under his Skidoo as his left leg became entangled with the machine. Bode dug out his father, but with his dad's femur broken he couldn't walk.

With no cell phone service, the 4th grader took his snowmobile towards Highway 88 on Blue Lakes Road. He found a Lake Tahoe Adventures employee who was able to call emergency personnel.

Bode led the rescuers to his dad who was transported to the hospital by helicopter. He is recovering from the ordeal.

News services from all major networks and other countries have all been in touch with Bode, his mother Tisha Shaw and John Taylor for interviews.

Personnel from California Highway Patrol, Alpine County Sheriff's Department, Alpine County Volunteer Fire Department and Lake Valley Fire Department all assisted in the rescue.