Last day of school for Lake Tahoe Unified students still unknown

The last day of school for students in the Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD) is still unknown, it could be June 16 or June 27, or some point in between.

LTUSD asked for a waiver of the seven snow / flood days they used in January. Today, the District Office heard from the California Department of Education (CDE), but just to let them know it'd be another two weeks until they had an answer for their request.

Each year the school board adds in three snow days into the calendar, so if any more days, or fewer, are adjusted so students get the required 180 days of school in a year.

The CDE has received hundreds of applications this year, an unprecedented amount, and the waiver process is backlogged.

If the application is approved in full, then the last day of school will be Friday, June 16 (this includes the snow day of March 6). However, there is no guarantee that the District's application will be approved in full. It is possible that the CDE will require the District use the last two reserved snow days on its academic calendar, or even more.