Arson hotline open for leads in illegal 4th of July fireworks fire at Lake Tahoe

The Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District and the Nevada State Department of Public Safety are asking for the public's help in identifying those responsible for a fire at the Cave Rock boat ramp on the 4th of July.

A group was illegally setting off fireworks just as the Lights on the Lake show was starting on the South Shore. A fire started and it moved up terrain towards US50 and homes up the hill. Those responsible left the area, leaving behind some materials in their rapid retreat.

Those with any information are asked to report it to public safety, and tips to the Arson Hotline can be anonymous. Do not call 911 for tips, call 844-NV ARSON (['682-7766).

The fireworks fire burned less than an acre due to a quick response by firefighters who were stationed at both Glenbrook and Zephyr Cove. Some residents in the Cave Rock area were concerned enough to start packing up some belongers once they saw flames.