First foray into South Lake Tahoe regulations for marijuana growing and selling

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Since the passage of Proposition 64 by voters in California in September, the state, cities and counties are figuring out how to move forward in allowing, or not allowing, storefront sales in their communities.

During Tuesday's South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting, the City will look at their City Code 6.55 Article X which is for marijuana cultivation and medical marijuana dispensaries.

Currently, the only sales allowed in South Lake Tahoe are for medical marijuana and the code will need to be changed should the Council decide to allow storefront sales in 2018. The State of California will have their regulations set up by then for sales and communities can decide how they'll handle sales, or if they'll allow them.

Proposition 64 allows users to possess up to 28.5 grams and allows local jurisdictions to determine whether or not they want to develop regulations that allow for the sale of recreational marijuana in their community.

For discussion during the July 11 City Council meeting:

• Additional medical marijuana dispensary
• Restrictions on the areas of the city in which any marijuana facility may be established
• Restrictions and guidelines on the operation of any marijuana facility consistent with California law
• A ban on recreational marijuana until such time as taxing authority is granted to the City by the voters for recreational marijuana and the state issues its comprehensive regulations

The meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. in City Council Chambers at the airport. For a full agenda, visit