FREE workshop - Toxic Free living with Essential Oils

Event Date: 
August 8, 2018 - 10:00am

Every day we are surrounded by toxins. Chemicals that mess with our bodies and make us sick.

You might think that pollutants are outside, but the ones we come into contact with the most, are in our homes. Everything from dishsoap to shampoo, make-up to toothpaste is chock full of nasty chemicals. Think about that kitchen cleaner - is that something you want to sniff, or eat?? And yet we use it to clean our counters and chopping boards. We are ingesting toxic chemicals every single day.

Come to this workshop and I will teach you how to eliminate these toxins from your house by swapping out these harsh, damaging chemicals for home made products made from plant based ingredients that you find in your food cupboard and natural, organic essential oils.

This Incline Village workshop is FREE, but space is limited, so sign up now:

Other dates are available: July 29 and August 1, each at 10:00 a.m.