Carson City's Ormsby House owners seeking buyer

The owners of the Ormsby House are looking for a buyer to take the long-closed property off their hands.

Don Lehr and Al Fiegehen bought the hotel-casino in 2001, and embarked on what to many was an endless remodeling project that proceeded in fits and spurts for the last 15 years.

On Thursday, Lehr said they are now looking for a buyer for the property, after refusing multiple offers over the years.

"We don't want to run a casino," Lehr said. "Whoever wants to operate it will have to figure out how they are going to finish it."

Lehr went on to say that the mechanical and structural work has been completed, that the rooms are mostly done except for some ceiling work, and the interior is ready for drywall to be installed.

Lehr announced to his employees last month that the Ormsby Club, the bar and pool hall that operates in the ground level of the parking garage, would be closing at the end of August.

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