South Lake Tahoe News Briefs

MontBleu Resort on the South Shore is undergoing extensive exterior remodeling at the same time they are cleaning house.

Their ten-year-old sign came down on Tuesday and will be replaced. The driveway and hotel entrance area all being revamped.

Last week, the resort let go four directors including the Food & Beverage Director. A call was made to the property's new General Manager Tim Tretton to confirm, but his office said "no comment." Tretton has been on the job since August 4.

October 1 will always be "South Lake Tahoe Public Employee Recognition Day" and as a reward, all staff members will receive eight hours of employee recognition leave. "We have the hardest working employees I've ever seen," said City Manager Nancy Kerry.

Mayor Hal Cole agreed. "Our City is so much better off than it was a few years ago," he said.

During Tuesday's City Council meeting, a man brought up a bottle of Round-up and a glass of water during the public comment portion. He asked the City stop spraying pesticides in town and to keep them out of the lake. When he didn't get the response expected he poured Round-up in the glass and drank it. He was escorted out by SLTPD Chief Brian Uhler.