City Council: Budget and Commercial Floor Space on Tuesday's agenda

The South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting on Tuesday will feature the following topics:

Commercial Floor Space - Doctors Steve Leman and Clint Purvance have applied for Commercial Floor Space allocations (CFA) for three projects at the Y area. Together they are asking for 6,170 square feet of CFA from the City's allotment for a building at 941 Emerald Bay Road. Leman himself is asking for 4,621 square feet at 2215 South Avenue and another 4,025 at 1072 4TH Street. He also wants to purchase another 28,940 Square Feet of 1B Banked Land Coverage from the City.

Budget - City Manager Nancy Kerry will present the proposed 2016-17 budget for the City. According to her letter to the City Council, the budget has been balanced for the fourth straight year utilizing expected 2016-2017 revenues and prior year carry over fund balances where appropriate without using General Fund reserves. They have used essential core services and an overall conservative approach to revenues and expenditures to balance the budget.

The meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall which is located at the Lake Tahoe Airport on Airport Road in South Lake Tahoe. It can also be streamed online or viewed on television. For more information: