'Thank a Police Officer Day' recognized by SLT resident who encourages others to do the same

In honor of "National Thank a Police Officer Day," and in an effort to encourage others to show their support for our heroes in law enforcement, South Lake Tahoe resident Daniella Flatau presented the El Dorado County Sheriff's Office and South Lake Tahoe Police Department with 60 goody bags on Monday.

Flatau, and her dog "Blue" dropped off the bags to SLTPD Chief Brian Uhler and EDSO Lt. Matt Underhill. Each bag included, which included a thank you letter, handmade good luck charms, hand sanitizer and tissues for their patrol vehicles, snacks, police stickers and a memorial candle for SLT Police Officer Mark Hounsell who passed away last year.

“My goal is to make 'Thank a Police Officer Day' every day," said Flatau. "Our men and women in blue, one million officers in America, face a daily battle with negativity and stereotypes, from negative and often inaccurate media reports or social media assumptions. Our officers are in-fact human beings with real feelings that can be hurt, and we need to let them know every day, that we appreciate the fact that they are willing to risk their lives, in order to protect a stranger’s life."

Flatau wants to encourage others to take time out of their day to thank an officer, the men and women she says are the true definition of a hero. She suggested buying them a cup of coffee, shaking their hand, having children write thank-you letters.

"Most importantly, take the time to educate yourself on facts about high profile negative police stories in the news." added Flatau. "A great source is looking up the actual annual statistics on the FBI’s webpage, or reading the Justice Department’s investigations reports. We owe it to them, to give them the dignity and justice they deserve, and treat them better than they have been treated lately. These are special people, with families of their own, who will to risk it all for us, and I am ever grateful for their service.”

She included a thank you letter in the bags which can be seen in the photo section of this story.