Letter: Many reasons the community needs to say "YES" on Measure F

To the Editor,

As the co-chair for Lake Tahoe Community College’s Measure F campaign, I have had many great conversations with people about our wonderful local college. Everyone really loves LTCC! I was having coffee with a good friend recently who said, “Wendy, when I go to the college I think it looks great. So why should I vote yes on F?” I paused because I feel the same way when I go to LTCC: I feel proud to have this beautiful college in my community. I thought for a moment before I answered her, and then said, “We need Measure F because our students do not have access to the technology and modern learning environment they need to keep pace with what is necessary to learn and teach and work successfully today. We have aging systems causing problems that aren’t easily seen, including heating, electrical, and other critical facility issues that casual visitors to campus may not be affected by, but our students certainly are. We have a state-of-the-art high school now, but a community college that hasn’t gotten the funding it needs to stay competitive. LTCC has so much potential to be great, with the ability to expand our popular Fire Science, EMT and Wilderness programs by adding a Public Safety Training Center. And maybe one day we’ll be able to offer a four-year degree in Forestry or something similar.” I went on a little longer and she said, “Okay, I will vote yes, because now I get it.”

Voting yes on Measure F is so important to our college and community. Please join me in supporting students of all ages and interests who rely on LTCC, now and in the future. Those students include you, most likely, and me. I want this college to always be a true centerpiece of our community; something we can all take pride in. We need to take care of the college we love. Vote yes on Measure F.

Wendy David
LTCC graduate, Class of 1984