Shop local and support women at 4th Annual Zawadisha Holiday Bazaar

Event Date: 
November 29, 2014 - 10:00am

Tahoe-based nonprofit the Zawadisha Fund is teaming up again with Bona Fide Books to offer an opportunity to shop locally while having global impact this holiday season. Connect with contemporary local artists, crafters and entrepreneurs at the 4th Annual Zawadisha Holiday Bazaar on Sat., Nov. 29, from 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. at Bona Fide Books,1069 Magua Street in Meyers, CA. All vendor space fees benefit the Zawadisha Fund.

Entrance is free and all ages are welcome. At the bazaar you’ll be able to choose from modern African jewelry and housewares from Zawadisha; soaps, sponges and skincare from Tahoe Mountain Soap Co.; hand-crafted jewelry using Swarovski Crystals, pearls, genuine leather, stones and shells from BellaDrops; ceramics by Francis Rider; velvet pumpkins and acorns from Wildwood DIY Boutique; nourishing wellness and beauty products from LiveStock; mixed media jewelry and gifts from Squirrelsnest Boutique; eclectic items from Rear View Miracles; locally published books from Bona Fide Books; tea and health-centered ceramics from Wellness Arts by Erin Crow; bullet crystal necklaces and 14k filled delicate geometric pieces by Cat Makes Things; handmade glass bead, leather and sterling silver jewelry by Range of Light Designs; and driftwood art-chimes from Tahoe Schnorkelwood.

Zawadisha arms women with access to capital and the life-saving tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty. Our model is building a stronger world, one in which women are self-sufficient, successful and stand on their own two feet.

Zawadisha means “to give a gift” and we believe the greatest gift we can give women is a hand up in fighting poverty. The gift they give us in return is that we know we truly have changed the life of another human being. And that exchange is powerful.