Kudos: Ameriprise Financial volunteers feed hungry

Every year in November, Ameriprise Financial advisors and employees participate in national days of service in partnership with Feeding America. This effort centers around helping the 49 million Americans, including 16 million children and 5.3 million seniors who face hunger in the U.S.

On November 9th, the South Lake Tahoe Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. office sponsored a Bread & Broth “Adopt A Day of Nourishment”, organized by Rick Gross, to join this nationwide effort to feed the hungry.

“We feel honored to help,” said Rick. “We would like to thank Bread & Broth for the opportunity to give back to the South Lake Tahoe community.”

B&B would like to thank Ameriprise Financial Services for their contribution of $250 which fed over 100 dinner guests and helped provide “giveaway” bags filled with fruit, vegetables, dairy products, canned goods and breads/pastries.

Rick Gross, private wealth advisor, was joined by his Ameriprise Financial team members Melinda Gross, business development manager; Terry Hickey, financial advisor and Liz Palmer, client service manager. These four sponsor crew volunteers are to be applauded for taking the opportunity to help people in need by giving their time and effort to support Feeding America and Bread & Broth’s goal of easing hunger for those in need.

– Bread & Broth