Outpouring of support for family of Dejon Smith

The news is still fresh and the whole story may not yet be known, but the tight knit community of South Lake Tahoe has been quick in it's offering of support to the family of Dejon Smith, the 14 year old whose body was found Saturday.

News of Smith's death has traveled quickly through social media and news outlets and people want to do something to help his family.

An outpouring of condolences follow the story on all outlets as you can find on our facebook page and article. People want to help and that is evident by the amount of monetary donations being dropped off at Grocery Outlet, where Dejon's mother Taneka Smith works.

Store clerk Shelley Uram said people have been coming up to staff since the tragic news broke to give them money for Taneka to cover the family's expenses.

There was a gofundme.com account set up by a cousin of the family and a bank account should be opened on Monday. South Tahoe Now will update the banking information once known.