Recognizing 55-years of combined healthcare knowledge

Barton Health staff and administration recently filled “The Snowflake Lounge” at Barton Memorial Hospital Thursday, March 30 in honor of “National Doctors Day,” established in 1958. Drs Henning Mehrens, primary care physician, and Peter DiGrande, anesthesiologist, were recognized as “Doctors of the Year” for their dedication and work in the South Lake Tahoe community and its surrounding areas.
“It’s a day long due,” Dr. Jean Makris, Barton Health, Chief of Staff said right before she spoke about the 55-year combined Barton history of Drs Mehrens and DiGrande.

The physicians were chosen by Barton staff. Dr. Mehrens’ ballots were comprised of comments such as: “no words can explain how wonderful he is; “he is very compassionate and patients love him."

“Dr. Mehrens is part of the basis of primary care in this community,” Dr. Makris stated. “There are few families who have not been touched by his care. He has great kindness toward his patients. He fights for his patients and over the past year, especially, he is now serving as co-director of the hospital’s Skilled Nursing Facility and Director of Barton Home Health & Hospice in California.”

“I did not realize this [doctor of the year presentation] was such a grand occasion,” Dr. Mehrens said. “I’ve never attended one of these events, because I always worked. Its really nice to see the staff come out and show their appreciation.”

Dr. DiGrande also received kind comments from staff: “Dr. DiGrande is brilliant, funny competent, friendly, safe and approachable”; "As an anesthesiologist, he is top notch.”

In addition to these comments being read aloud by Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Clint Purvance, both physicians were dated back to the time they started at Barton with humor.

“I know this physician has a Barry Manalow CD,” Dr. Purvance said in reference to Dr. Mehrens.

“And, when this physician began his career here, Bill Clinton was President, gas was $1.16 a gallon, a new home was about $113,000 and the World Wide Web was created.” he said.

The crowd let out a huge applause as Dr. DiGrande accepted his plaque and shook the hands of Drs Makris and Purvance.

“Dr. DiGrande is really a cornerstone in this community. There are people who rely on him to understand their pain when they come into the hospital,” Dr. Makris said. “His devotion to his patients is well-known. Dr. DiGrande contributes to process improvements within the hospital and makes himself accessible. He educates his staff and they really love working with him.”

— Rebecca Wass is the public information officer for Barton Health. She can be reached at