Tahoe tensions over environment explored in news segment

A new Nevada law could force the state to withdraw from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, the bi-state agency designed to protect Lake Tahoe. Many do not want Nevada to leave the agency, but others say making the threat was important to protect the future of the lake — and it is working. Go here for the story from KRNV and MyNews4.com.
In November a committee of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board took a major step forward in moving toward a different permitting system at Lake Tahoe where many parcel-by-parcel regulations would shift to local county or city governments.
Called conformance review in similar planning frameworks, the concept, approved by the Regional Plan Update Committee of the agency, would leave local planning, zoning and development codes to each jurisdiction as long as environmental standards are followed. Large-scale projects may still fall under the permitting authority of TRPA. Details of this proposal are still under review. The Regional Plan Update Committee endorsed the general concept for this shift and the full board will consider the change as part of the plan update process in 2012.